Sunday, January 17, 2010

How can I stop biting my nails?

I have a horrible habit of nail biting and I really want it to stop! I find myself biting my nails without even thinking about it. What are some techniques to stop nail biting?How can I stop biting my nails?
Put fingernail polish remover on the tips once a week. It has a horrid taste and that's what I used to stop biting mine. I also kept gum with me to chew when I got aggravated (that's when I bite mine the most). Gum, candy, anything like that would help to stop biting them.How can I stop biting my nails?
My sister did this: dip your fingertips in pure lemon juice. That way they will be sour. When you go to bite them, you will have that sour taste, and you will not do it. Eventually, you will not do it.

Hope It Helps.
girl friend put on fake nails and they were hard and she quit biting them. You can't bite them and they look really cool.
I'd just put nail polish on them. Like clear if you don't want color. It's better than putting lemon or nail polish remover since those strip your nails and weaken them.
Put hot pepper on them!
cut ur hands off.

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