Saturday, January 23, 2010

How short should I cut my lab's nails?

My 3 yr old lab has really long nails and it makes it hard for her to walk on anything but carpet. But if I trim her nails even a small amount, she starts bleeding everywhere. Any advice?How short should I cut my lab's nails?
Trim just the very very tips of them. You are probably having a problem because her nails have been too long for too long! Our pit has a fear of getting his nails clipped, we finally got him to relax if we do it ourselves. But because no one could clip them for years-they got very long and the quick grew out (the pink part that will make it bleed if you cut too short)

The solution to this is to cut a teeny tiny bit of the nail off...wait a month or two...and do it again. Its like our nails...the pink part is long if your nails are long, the shorter you keep your nails the more the nail bed shrinks back. Once you get your dogs nails under control they will eventually be able to be cut back shorter. But it will be a slow process

Please do not continue to cut them if they blled, just do a very small amount. Everytime you cut them and she ends up bleeding it will scare her off from having it done.

If she is black or brown, the nails are black so only cut not even a milimeter off of them since you cannot see how long the quick is.

Good luck!How short should I cut my lab's nails?
well if your only trimming it a small amount and its bleeding, that mean that her nails were not trimmed enough growing up and the qwick is growing all the way to the tip. Bring her to the vet and most likely what they will do is a procedure ( while the dog is unconscious) is clip them back far and control the bleeding there till it stops. Thats about all you can do.
If she is bleeding, you have cut them too short, you should be able to tell where the nail starts to get fatter is where the blood vessel is, don't cut that part. If you don't know what you are doing, please just take her to the vet or a groomer, you don't want to hurt her.
You should be able to see the vain in the nail (if they are white). Trim just before the vain. Triming past it is what is causing the bleeding. My dog has a few white and a few black. The black ones you just trim like this {} much.

I hope I was of some help. God Bless.

Here are some websites that might help.
yes....take her to the vet...nail trimming here only costs 5 dollars and they know where the quick on the nails is....if you do cut into the quick they make a product called ';blood stop'; and its a powder and you stick the nail into it......but, the vet is the best choice.....good luck
You should cut her nails short every other week, if you keep doing this then her quick will push further back and further back and then you'll be able to cut them a lot shorter than before.

Maybe you should get her nails cut at the vet, it's only 10 dollars or something and then if she bleeds it won't be on your carpet or anything.
If you look under the nail you should be able to see a clear line where the quick starts. It is the blood vessel that runs through dog's nails. Cut it back to the quick and than wait a week for the vessel to retreat and cut back again until they are short enough. If she still bleeds not cutting past the quick at pet stores they sell a product (don't remember what it is called) that stops the bleeding when you apply it. It is like a styptic pencil for men.

Long nails are a problem and you can also take her to the vet or groomer to have it done if you are nervous.
go vets you are cutting the quick and its painful.if you do it yourself make sure you go petstore b4 you start to get something to stop the bleeding.walk himon hard surface more it will naturally trim them cant you use file instead of cutting?
You may just have to take her to the vet so they can get them down to normal size. but you can buy something called, nick stop. so when you cut her nails and they begin to bleed, put that on and it stops the bleeding and pain just about instantly.
Trim the VERY tips, every week. When the nails grow, so does the quick, so you cannot expect to take of any desirable amount, in a short amount of time.
You could try buying clippers that have a guard on them,If you don't buy a clipper with a guard,Try taking off about 1 Sixteenth of the toe nail.

You are taking to much of the nail she starts bleeding.

Ask you vet if the bleeding continues.

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