Thursday, January 21, 2010

What are these vertical lines on my finger and toe nails?

On my finger and toe nails, there are these vertical lines on all of them and I've noticed them about 2 years ago and researched them then but I only found that horizontal lines mean some sort of defficiency so what do vertical lines on my nails mean? And how do I get rid of them?What are these vertical lines on my finger and toe nails?
By vertical do you mean from the tip to the cuticle as oppoosed to across the width?

That's just the shape of fingernails, they grow in kinda waves, so they are more like half a 50 sided shape than they are half a circle. Girls file their nails and buff them to make them look smooth, if it's concerning you borrow your mum, sister, girlfriend or wife's nail stuff and fix it. I sometimes do. Makes your hands feel cleaner.What are these vertical lines on my finger and toe nails?
do you mean nail ridges?? you can get nail fillers for that
You get lines on your nails for a few reasons, one is age, the older you get, your nails start to change, if you are say 30+, buy a buffer from the chemist and buff your nails a couple of times a week, do not over buff them, to the stage where your nails are burning as this indicates buffing the nail too much and making it thin.

Another reason people get vertical lines can be due to illness, I don't know if you have ever been in hospital or watched a programme where they check the nails before surgery etc, this is because your nails tell someone a lot.

Have a look at the following website, and see if this helps you decide whether it is age or something else. It is more than likely an age thing.鈥?/a>

All the best.
I've also been trying to figure it out. If it's not white or any weird colour, then it is normal as these come with age.

Is it a white line? Anything that's white usally means you have a lack in calcium. I also have found this one site, where it indicates that it could be a nervous sytem disorder... not sure if that's true. It can also be caused by a trauma to the nails, and white lines also indicates some sort of bruise on the nails oppose to on the skin (from what I've heard... actually saw it somewhere while I was searching questions on here).

Not too sure exactly how to get rid of it (because I'm currently trying to find a way), but some people claim that when they consume more calcium (such as drinking milk) it will make it disappear.
That depends on the color of the lines and whether they are just lines or ridges. Another thing to look at would be the angle between the nail bed and skin and the shape of the nail and fingers. Could be a deficiency, trauma (common), stress, or some other underlying problem. There's not enough information to make a determination.
yeah they r just the natural ridges in ur nail, if it bothers u, get a buffing kit, but only buff them a little little bit, otherwise it is noticeable when they r growing further along. it also takes off a protective layer of your nail, and u will have to keep doing it once a week or so to keep up with it, and u dont want to wear your nails thin, cuz then they will break and get all snaggly n girls really dont like that. girls do like guys with nice hands though, so go for it, but dont over do it!
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